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In order to authenticate with the webservice you require a software house identification and user credentials or access token.



Software house identification


When you authenticate with the webservice you are required to submit your software house identification.

This can be acquired by sending a mail to or with the following information :


Name of the software company

Name of the software

Street & Nr


Postal Code


Contact Person




OAuth Redirection Url ( In case OAuth will be used.)


This information is only used to identify the different software houses and to be able to contact them in case of updates and possible problems.


In case the same software developer creates multiple programs, he can use the same software house identification.


Octopus reserves the right to deactivate the software house in case of misuse of the webservice.



User Credentials


In order to authenticate with the web service, you require the credentials of an Octopus user and the webservice module needs to be activated.

For external users ( U and K – users) this webservice module is activated by default and is included in the monthly fee.

For users of an accountancy office ( B – users ) this webservice module needs to be activated separately.

Sub users ( Sub@B , Sub@U , Sub@K ) are also allowed to limit the access to the dossiers.


Not allowed is to create separate sub users on a bookkeepers account ( B – user ) to give end customers access to the webservice. In this case, the end customer needs to order a license.

Sub users on an bookkeepers account are supposed to be co-workers of the accountancy office!




Access Token


There is also the possibility to authenticate with access tokens using the Octopus OAuth authorization server.

See Authentication