Octopus Power BI Connector Setup

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Octopus Power BI Connector Setup

Download the installer (Windows 64-bit) here, and initiate the installer.

1.Choose the setup language, then click "OK".

2.Click "Install".

3.The setup is completed, click "Complete".


A shortcut will appear on your desktop with the name "Octopus PowerBI Connector".

Double click on the shortcut and you will see the following screen:


Enter your username and password and click "Login".

Next to "Dossier" you will find the list of files linked to the username.

Select the desired file and complete the following fields:

Db Connection: use the following format "jdbc:postgresql://<server-name>/<database-name>".

Db User Name: fill in the username with access to the database server.

Db Password: fill in the password of the username.


In our example the database is called "octopus_power_bi" and is hosted locally ("localhost").

For a quick setup of a PostgreSQL database see the following topic: Database Setup PostgreSQL.


Click "Synchronize".

The database tables are completed with the data from the database.